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What is White Creamy Discharge During Sex?

A mixture of clear to milky white fluid comes out of a person’s vagina or penis before, during and after sex. This fluid cleans and lubricates sexual organs. Changes in discharge color or consistency are signs of a problem and should be checked by a doctor.

Milky white discharge during sex is healthy and usually results from sexual arousal. However, there are other causes of white creamy discharge that should be investigated by a healthcare professional.

Vaginal Discharge

It’s totally normal and healthy for a mixture of fluid to come out of the vagina or penis before, during and after sexual stimulation and intercourse. It can look a little different for everyone, depending on things like the consistency and color of your discharge, where you are in your menstrual cycle, whether or not you’re pregnant and more.

According to Healthline, vaginal discharge is usually clear to milky white and can be odorless. It contains things your body doesn’t need anymore, such as dead cells, bacteria and other debris.

The amount of white discharge you produce can vary throughout the day and from one time of the month to the next. It’s especially common in the days leading up to ovulation, when you might notice more of it than usual. It’s also common during early pregnancy, when the levels of estrogen in your body are high to protect the fertilized egg from infections.

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For men, a similar thing can happen with their precum (the fluid that comes out of the penis when they have sex). This fluid is normally watery and odorless, but can change in appearance when you’re sexually aroused. Yellow or green precum could be a sign of a bacterial infection, like gonorrhoea or trichomoniasis. It can also be a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Penile Discharge

Penile discharge is any fluid secreted from the male urethra that isn’t urine or semen. It may appear milky white, yellow, or green and has a variety of textures, odors, and thicknesses. Penile discharge is a normal part of sexual activity and arousal. It’s especially important to note any changes in penile discharge, because it could be a sign of an underlying infection like chlamydia or gonorrhea.

The urethra is a narrow tube that passes through the penis, allowing for the passage of urine and seminal fluid from the testes and other parts of the reproductive tract. When a man is sexually aroused, the urethra secretes pre-ejaculate fluid (also known as precum) and ejaculate during orgasm to prepare the penis for sperm production and release.

Men’s lubrication is derived from a substance called smegma, which is composed of skin cells, oils, and fluids. The smegma lubricates the tip of an uncircumcised penis to protect it from friction and to reduce sensitivity during sex. Penile discharge that is clear, milky white, or yellow and odorless is considered healthy and nothing to worry about. However, if a man’s penile discharge is greenish, cloudy, or foul smelling, he should see a doctor right away to prevent an infection from developing. He may need treatment with antibiotics. The doctor will likely also recommend that a man use condoms during sex and practice good hygiene.

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Post-Sex Discharge

During sexual activity, the glands in the vulva secrete clear or milky white fluid that helps protect, clean, and lubricate the organs. If you have this type of discharge after sex and it doesn’t smell bad or feel thicker or wetter than usual, it’s probably normal.

In men, this white liquid can also be seen during ejaculation (when males release seminal fluid). This is called precum and is made of sperms and other chemicals that help the sperm reach the female reproductive tract to fertilize an egg. Men who use condoms should not worry if they see this type of white discharge during or after sex. However, if the white discharge is accompanied by pain, foul-smelling or thicker than usual, it could indicate an infection.

For women, changes in the appearance or odor of normal vaginal discharge are often the first sign of bacterial vaginosis (BV). This condition causes your pH to change, and it may cause clumpy or pus-like discharge with a fishy or foul odor. A gynecologist or urologist can do a pelvic exam, take a sample of your discharge for testing, and give you antibiotics to treat BV. Tracking your discharge changes with a period tracking app like Flo can help you remember when to schedule a doctor’s appointment for further evaluation and treatment.

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Other Discharge

During certain parts of your menstrual cycle, you may notice thick white discharge that is similar to cottage cheese. This type of discharge is normal and typically occurs as a result of your body changing hormones during your period or in preparation for ovulation.

Generally, healthy white discharge is clear or milky white and doesn’t have an odor or cause itching. If your discharge changes color or smells or causes these symptoms, it’s important to contact a healthcare provider. This can indicate an underlying health issue, such as yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, and it’s important to get medical attention.

When sexually aroused, the cervix produces more white discharge to help with lubrication. This is a normal response to pleasure and can vary in thickness and volume. In some cases, this fluid may also be a mixture of vaginal secretions and semen.

If you’re experiencing frothy, yellowish, or greenish white discharge during sex, this could be a sign of trichomoniasis, which is a sexually transmitted infection. It’s important to seek medical attention for this condition as it can lead to serious health complications. It’s also recommended to practice safe sex by using condoms when engaging in sexual activity. This can reduce the risk of contracting STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea. These STIs can cause symptoms such as pelvic pain, painful urination, and bleeding between periods.